Saturday 19 September 2009

Cursed Mountain

Dear God.

I decided to treat myself to a new Wii game today, but unlike most females of my age, I didn't opt for fitness, Mario cart, and whatever else....I decided to go with "Cursed Mountain".
And let me tell you, I'm glad I did!!
I'm one of these people that loves horror films, but have yet to find one that makes me jump, or even makes me edgy.
Having said that, I will admit, I have been playing the Tomb Raider games for as long as I remember, and I STILL jump when something pops out. In fact, in the latest, "Underworld" on the Wii, when confronted with the undead yeti, I was sat on the edge of my seat, repeating "Shit, shit, shit" over and over until the damn thing was dead.
But thus far, I have not found a game that has kept me on edge for the whole time I am playing.
I am almost ashamed to say that has ended today.
I spent all of ten minutes, just testing out the game, before I carry on with coursework (oh so exciting), and I am still on edge now!
The beginning see's you walking around a deserted city high in the mountains, the story of which gradually unfolds as you explore. Picking up an ice axe (oh, of course, THAT is how you kill ghosts!?!?), finding several other items, and meeting the one person remaining in the city; an old Buddhist Monk, who teaches you to use your third eye.
Sounds fun, right? Oh hell no! You see, as you are walking around, the screen fades to grey, immediately making you think "Oh shit, something's going to jump out at me"....wrong again!! When you least expect it, 'visions' and 'ghosts' will flash onto the screen, and not in the nice "Hai!! Just dropped in to see how you're doing!" kind of way. Think Silent Hill, then times that by five. It makes you jump, it made me squeal, and if you have got a weak bladder.....well, maybe you should give it a miss!
The only bad thing, is that the graphics are not as good as they could be.
Of course, this is just my opinion. Play it, and judge for yourself.


Anonymous said...

Did you want to talk about the game, or was your intention to spend 3 paragraphs talking about yourself?

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