Thursday 1 October 2009

"Shag Bands" - A little word on today's culture

The link above, if you haven't already clicked it, will take you to an article published in The Sun newspaper on 29th September, 2009.
The article talks about the latest craze amongst school kids, called "Shag Bands".
Amongst young teenagers (and, disturbingly, even younger children), these bands, when worn by a girl, signify that she is willing to perform the sex acts that each of the colours represent, with any boy who snaps the band. Examples of the colours and the sexual acts they relate to include; pink, flashing the boy, blue, performing oral sex on him, and black, having full intercourse. The meanings vary from place to place, but the basic connotations exist wherever you go. Most schools are now banning the wearing of these bands to try and turn youngsters away from the idea that casual sex is okay.
Now, most people my age will remember these from our school days (which weren't all THAT long ago), as most of us wore them back then too.

Yes, they are mine. (I apologise about the hastily taken photo.)

However, the major difference here reflects just how bad our youth culture has become.
When we were at school, yes we knew they were called "Shag Bands", but back then, if a boy broke one, dancing around saying "Now you have to shag me!!", us girls would either laugh, or punch him in the face and tell him he owed us 10p! Many of us were aware of the saying "Shag", but did we actually do anything? No we didn't. At the age of 12 / 13 and younger, we would never even have considered something like was taboo.
However, many children (and I mean children) in this day and age are not only aware of it, a lot of them are having unprotected sex, putting themselves at risk of pregnancy and STD's.
Okay, so there were a few people at my school who had children young, but now? It seems that a baby has become a fashion accessory for a lot of teenage girls. At 21, I would not even CONSIDER the idea of having a child. Not meaning to take the moral high-ground, but what is wrong with studying, getting a decent job, and having a career (and a life!) before you settle down?
But even as I am saying this, it still sounds wrong! You see, many girls these days don't fall into the "Settled down" category, as the majority are no longer with the father's of their child (or children) and survive on benefits and handouts that seem all too easy to get these days. It seems a little unfair that a decent family, who have been on the waiting list for a council house (who will pay rent!) have to be put back in the queue every time a teenage girl gets herself pregnant!
Don't get me wrong. I have several friends who had a child young, and I respect them. But they work, they pay their bills, and they put their children before themselves. When one friend talks of her child, you can see the pride she has. She has worked her ass off to make sure her child has the best childhood she could possibly provide.
What I don't like, is those single mothers who put themselves first, don't take responsibility for their children, and will pawn them off on the first person they can so they can go out on the piss with their friends, or go out getting drugged up to the eyeballs. The one's who get all the money and help they can, and will spend their lives living off the twisted benefits system Britain now has.
Please understand that I do not have anything against single mothers, and I know I am toeing the line with my previous statement, but I am sure I am not alone in this opinion. I am NOT saying that all single mothers are like this. Far from it. What I am saying is that many young girls these days seem to think that getting pregnant young, by a random boy she has casual sex with, and never bothering to work is 'the norm'. It is not. They do not consider the financial, physical and emotional strain that comes with having children. I'm sure if you asked most hard-working single mums, (although they would NEVER regret their child, or have considered abortion, and rightfully so), most might have thought twice about it. (PLEASE do not think I am trying to speak for single mums, this is just my experience - feel free to email me if you feel I am wrong in saying this.)
It's worrying enough that girls are getting pregnant when they are but children themselves. What is even more worrying is that the majority of these couldn't care less about their children, spawning more and more, who will, ultimately, end up just like them. Something needs to be done about this, and soon.
But do the powers that be really think that banning bracelets is going to stop children from having sex?

I hope I have not offended anyone with this article. Please feel free to email me, and I will add your comments to the blog. I would love to hear about your experiences, and will happily correct anything that is wrong. As I am not a mother myself, I do not know what it is like, I only write from second hand experience and observation.


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