Monday 13 July 2009

"The MAN" versus "The Whore"

There is something that has been troubling me recently. Sex. Not in the direct definition of the word, but the prejudices involved.

Let me explain.

More often than not, you will hear some male saying "I totally tapped that chick last night," or something along those lines, to which his mates usually respond with "You Da MAN!"
Yet, if your standard, every day girl says "I had a one night stand with that hot guy from the club," she gets called a slut, a slag, a whore etc, etc.
I have never understood this sexist view. If a bloke decides he doesn't want a relationship and instead sleeps with every girl he can get, he is a stallion. Yet, if a girl decides she doesn't want one, and sleeps with even ONE guy, she is called all the names under the sun. Why is this? What, honestly, is the difference?
Guys. Just because you sleep with loads of girls, doesn't mean you are some sort of sex god. It means none of them think you are good enough to bother coming back for another "piece" of you.
Girls. Forget all the stigma. We have a right to enjoy ourselves, too. Don't spend your whole life chasing "Mr Right." He will come to you. And in the meantime, have fun with all the Mr. Wrongs


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