Friday 9 October 2009

What is a blog?

It seems that some people need clarification on what exactly a "Blog" is.


A frequent, chronological publication of personal thoughts and Web links.


A blog is often a mixture of what is happening in a person's life and what is happening on the Web, a kind of hybrid diary/guide site, although there are as many unique types of blogs as there are people."

You see, as it says above, a blog is a personal page where people can vent their thoughts on any given subject.
I felt I needed to clarify this, as "Someone", who wishes to remain anonymous, (by the way, thanks for visiting my page, idiot) had a little moan on my post about "Cursed Mountain".
Let me ask you something.
Can you read? Because I seriously doubt you can. I'll clarify it for you.
"I spent all of ten minutes, just testing out the game,"
Okay. Take your time and re-read the above until you get the picture.
You felt the need to inform me that I had spent 3 paragraphs "talking about myself".

Tell me. How EXACTLY was I supposed to write a review of a game I had only played for 10 minutes? I might be good, but nobody is THAT good.
I used personal experiences (i.e. my experience playing other games that are designed to make you a little tense) to describe what it was like for me playing that game. This is what you call PROFESSIONAL JOURNALISM, something, I'm guessing, I am far more qualified for than you.
If you would like me to explain this further to you, well I can't be bothered to deal with your subnormal intelligence, so look it up.

While we are on the subject of looking things up, why don't YOU search for the definition of a "Blog"? You might then realise that there is more to the world than slagging people off on the internet to look big, acting like you are gods gift to the blogging world, and generally being an asshole. Is there really any reason why you would post that comment? I mean, after all, I don't know you, you don't know me. Did you just think "hmm, I think I'll give someone abuse today."
Blogs are there for people to write down their thoughts and feelings. It's a technological diary. Most of us are not trying to get people from all over the world to like us, and are not hoping that somehow we will get famous for bitching about anything and everything. We just want to write down what we think. If people read it, fine. If people don't, so what? It's a fucking BLOG. I am proud of my blog, but to be perfectly honest, I don't care whether people visit it or not. I put material on, people decide whether they want to read it. It's called "Free Will".

Stupid people annoy me, so if you feel the need to leave another pathetic comment on my blog, trying to make me look as stupid as you, I will be forced to use my intelligence against you. And before you give me any more shit, you have to ask yourself why you feel the need to harass me? Or have you got nothing better to do?
I know you may find this hard to believe, but there are people out there who are way above your level of intelligence.
Don't be bitter that I am one of them.


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