Thursday 18 June 2009

Am I the only one who can see a pattern here??

I was contacted by an old school friend today, which I thought was nice. I practically grew up with the guy, after all, and we always got on at school.

My mistake.

It turns out, he has grown from the snotty kid I knew, to an obnoxious prick. (See the pattern?)
All was fine, we were just chatting about what we had both been up to since school, when he asked if I wanted to go out, meet up and chill. That would have been okay, if it wasn't 3 in the MORNING!! I mean, who goes out to chill at three in the morning, other than piss-heads and weed smokers?? Okay, fair enough, I'm still up (obviously!), but why on earth would I want to go out in the rain to meet someone I haven't seen for years, just to "chill"?? If I'm being dragged out of the house at this time, I expect a hell of a lot of coffee and something big and sparkley, because only diamonds (and maybe chocolate) will be worth dragging my ass out of bed for.

So anyway, because I politely declined his invitation, he decided to call me a "poofter." Hang on.......because I don't like to go out at three in the morning to drink and take drugs to "chill," I'm a "poofter?" Not only is that offensive to me, I'm sure most of the Homosexual community will be emailing me for his name and number!! Come on! Homophobic much? Who does this guy think he is? I haven't seen him for years, but have heard the tales of his recent life, and he is CERTAINLY not someone who I would like to associate myself with. I may be a little (just a little) bitchy, but I would never say anything so obnoxious and prejudiced!

I decided to confront him about this, and because I called him out on the fact that he was being a prick, I was called a stroppy bitch, and a word that I would rather not write on here, as I know women read it. Let's just say it is the most demeaning word you could use towards a woman. I'm not saying I have never used it, but to say it in anger at a woman is just plain horrible. It is degrading, and does nothing more than make you look like, well, what you just said!

I gave the guy a piece of my mind for being so insensitive, after which he apologised, explained himself, but STILL blamed me for being a bitch! No. Let me explain the concept. Just because I don't take kindly to being called degrading names, and stand up for myself, instead of letting you speak to me like crap, doesn't mean that I am a bitch. It means I am a strong-minded, opinionated person, who doesn't take shit from assholes who think they are god's gift.
Oh, and on that note, I did not think you inviting me out was you coming on to me. I'm not that vain, and even if I was, I'm not that desperate either!

His final comment before logging off was "Well, it's been fun being misjudged and insulted by someone I thought I knew." Are you serious? I'm not even going to bother responding to that.

Be a prick all you like, but don't talk shit if you can't handle the backlash.


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