Monday 2 November 2009

Blue Rinse Brigade

Every day, we hear in the news about some "Youth" who has been arrested, imprisoned, or given an ASBO for one thing or another, but in my local area, there seems to be a disturbing problem emerging.

Most towns have to deal with the odd problem, such as drugs, drink and some violence, and ours is no exception. But they are not what is pissing me off at the moment.
I like to think I'm a good person. I was brought up well, don't drink or do drugs, don't go around causing trouble, and prefer to stick my head in a book than go out to get rat-assed. I was brought up well, and have always respected my elders.
But as I have got older, I have met a barrier that is preventing me from thinking that all older people should be held in esteem.

Over the last few years, mostly because I am fascinated by psychology, I have noticed that some members of the "Blue Rinse Brigade" are becoming more and more ignorant. How many times have you had a door slam in your face because the older person in front of you decided that they are far too spectacular to hold the door open for a young person?
How many times have you laughed, ranted or been just plain amused at these older folk and their apparent lack of driving skills? And heaven forbid you should pull in and let them pass you on the road! Yes, those "Boy Racers", as well as the growing trend of "Girl Racers", are a serious problem on the roads, but they ALWAYS acknowledge you waiting for them. These Oldies, on the other hand, seem to think that they own the road, car park, pavement, or wherever else they feel the need to drive. They never acknowledge you, drive far too slow on faster roads, and generally make bad driving decisions that could risk lives just as much as the young racers. Surely they should be made to take their test again at a certain age? And what about those who think that you have to be over a certain age to have a disabled badge? A good friend of the family, who has had a disability for many years, is constantly hounded for parking his Land Rover in a disabled bay. He has a badge, so is entitled to as much as the next person, but because he has a big vehicle, they think that he must be some sort of fraud. Let me explain something to you. A larger vehicle is easier for some one with mobility problems to get in and out of, as you can slide on and off the seat. Whereas in a little car, you have to bend to get in, and getting out from the seated position means you have to use extra strength, which you may not have, to pull yourself upright. Try it and see, if you don't believe me.
And what about when they treat us younger people like the scum of the earth? I am a great believer in the saying "Respect has to be earned". As I mentioned, I do my best. I'm always polite, mind my P's and Q's, and ALWAYS do even those silly little things like holding a door open, or helping someone if they need it.
But how about returning this respect?
Just yesterday, I had to deal with one of these Blue Rinse Grannies, who seems to think the world owes her a favour. Not only was she incredibly rude to a member of my family, she also lied through her back teeth when confronted about it, EVEN THOUGH her own DAUGHTER had told me what she had said. The whole time I was speaking to her, she (and her over-indulged husband) spoke down to me, looked at me like I was nothing more than an inconvenience, and treated me in such a manor that I ended up walking out, having lost all patience. And the best thing was, I didn't even go in to talk to her! I was having a private conversation with someone else who was related to the incident, and she just kept butting in, trying to get her say, and make me look two inches tall. And as for her previously mentioned husband? The sheer arrogance that dripped off him was almost over-whelming. He kept butting in whilst I was trying to talk, (to which I simply replied, "I wasn't talking to you"), and the whole time he slouched on the seat, nose in the air, sniffing at the idea that they should actually be grown up and apologise for what was said.
If it was me, I would have been hounded, jeered at and called "insolent". But that is because I'm 21. Because the shoe was on the other foot, I was expected to shut my mouth and walk away, because, after all, these people should be respected.

Well, I am sorry, but people like them do not have my regard. I have immense respect for so many people, especially those of the elder generation, as long as I am shown some in return. I have always got time to stop and chat with the older folk, and would never consider putting them all in the same category, but these Blue Rinse Biddies ( male and female) appear to have their own rules to live by, and bugger the rest of us.

People my age are getting a bad reputation because of the media coverage about under-age sex, drinking, etc.
Although they are few and far between, these older "I own the world" people, and their behaviour, needs to be brought to light.
Perhaps if these few individuals would show a little more respect towards those of us who do our best to get on with it and keep our heads down, we wouldn't feel the need to answer them back when they speak to us like idiotic children.


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