Tuesday 12 May 2009

How on EARTH is this sexy??

Originally posted Thursday, 23 April, 2009

Ok, so I'm not really one of these people who gives to ducks about celebrities, although I do have my favourites like everyone else. But you can't open a newspaper or magazine without there being at least ONE page dedicated to the latest celebrity look. However, there is one look that is, worryingly, rather popular right now........

The super-skinny look, which is usually associated with models, is becoming the "must-have" of the season, with even the ever-sexy Angelina Jolie now sporting it. I ask, WHY? Am i the only person who thinks she was far better when she was curvy???:

And even Lazy Lohan (who, for the record, I despise) looked far better like this:
Is it any wonder that anorexia and bulimia are so prevalent among young women right now?? Surely it is not HEALTHY to be so skinny, let alone attractive?? 
Young girls are becoming ill, and even dying, to look like the supermodels on the Parisian Catwalks, but why isn't anything being done about it?? Even though the fashion industry claims to be cracking down on these models, when are we actually going to see a healthy sized woman taking their place???
Help me out fellas, which do u prefer?? The unhealthy looking skeleton, or the healthy curves of a REAL woman????


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