Wednesday 20 May 2009

Twilight - Shut The Fuck Up

I am sick of reading stupid posts all over the internet from whiny little assholes bitching about Twilight, film and books alike.

I liked the film, and I couldn't put the books down, much like many females the world over. 
It isn't just little girls who read the books either. Lots of grown women enjoyed it too.
The main thing that these men (and most of them ARE men) don't like is that Stephanie Meyer turned vampire fiction "Camp." Wrong. Most vampire films and books are full of sex, or at least sexual innuendo's. The very act of sucking someones blood has a sexual undercurrent. Men just don't noticed this past the cool weapons and people randomly bursting in to flames. Which brings me to another point.
Several people have pointed out that "Real" Vampires (um......ok.....) burst into flame when exposed to U.V. light, not "sparkle." Before you say something like this, research how the vampire myth came about. Bram Stoker's "Dracula" the 'original vampire' was in fact based on a notoriously bloody character in history. His name was Vlad III, Prince of Wallachia, more commonly known as Vlad the Impaler. Born in 1431, he was a ruthless ruler who got his nickname from his love of cruel punishments, mainly throwing people off a balcony onto large spikes in the courtyard of Bran Castle, Romania, where they would die a very slow, painful death as they slowly slid farther onto the spikes. I could take them days to die.
It is also said that, whilst he was in Hungarian captivity, he would use whatever he could find to impale rats, before drinking their blood, and eating their corpses. Of course, there are numerous accounts of his life, so it is impossible to know the truth.
However. Something I have yet to come across whilst reading up on this fascinating, if a little strange, character is a mention of bursting in to fire. This was made up by an over-enthusiastic writer, who decided that being staked through the heart wasn't nearly as flamboyant as flames.
As for being staked through the heart, I'd like to meet an average person who COULD survive this.
Don't get me wrong, I love vampire flicks, and vampire novels line my bookshelf. But it wasn't Stephanie Meyer who romantisized the vampire. How often do you see an ugly hollywood vampire, who can't pull any woman he wants?
If you don't like Twilight, that's fine. But stop subjecting us to this constant bitching about how shit it is, blah, blah, blah. DON'T FUCKING WATCH IT.


Anonymous said...

The film was Horrible the worst film ive ever seen!!

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