Tuesday 12 May 2009

Maddox: Man or Mouse?

Amongst bloggers all over the world, few are unaware of an individual who calls himself "Maddox." Obnoxious, self-centred human being calls his blog "The Best Page in the Universe," and splits his time between slagging people off, bitching about things that really shouldn't matter, and bragging about how good he is. But he has still developed quite a following. WHY??

Because he's damn good, that's why.
His writing strikes a chord with many, and those that hate him enough to send hate mail, get shot down quicker than a spastic pigeon. Just check out this simple, yet effective come-back:

To: maddox
You call everyone morons and dipshits for their cars? What the fuck do you drive? Wait another question do you have a life? I mean you look like an adult and all but I mean bashing other people in your spare time LOL what kind of a jack ass are you? Get a life dude better yet a girlfriend. 
Truly yours,
Supra driver
Dear Supra, thanks for your advice. Since I've read your email, I've decided to give this girlfriend thing a shot. I found out where your girlfriend lives and I'm now dating her. Thanks for the suggestion, yours truly,

And let's not forget his book, "The Alphabet of Manliness," and his current project, "The Best Show in the Universe." Yes, he has been given his own TV show. Seriously.
For those who have a slight tendency towards Anarchy, you'll love this guy. However, if you are of a sensitive disposition, you may want to stick to reading about fluffy bunnies and pasting Hello Kitty pictures all over your Desktop. He is an insensitive, rude, arrogant, opinionated, sexist pig who revels in pissing people off. 
But he'll always be better than all of you college-educated assholes.


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